
Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Anting-anting and Agimat (Amulets)

by: Master Darren

An amulet, locally known as "agimat" or "anting-anting" is an object with specific superhuman powers to protect its owner from harm or danger. There are amulets that shield its wearers from mishaps or accidents, and weapons such as knives or bullets, as well as to ward off spirit attacks and spells or kulam.

On the other hand, there are "charms" to attract good fortune or win affection, and other favors such as fertility.

In the Philippines, the most popular form of amulets are cast from metals, such as medallions or medalla, similar to those peddled outside the Quiapo Church. There are also stones which many call mutya, and oracion (prayers) which can just be murmured or written on a piece of paper. Then we have the rest - baong walang mata, baong isang mata, habak, kalmen, bote de guerra, sinamak, panyo, and so on.

The Holy Week or Semana Santa is that special period for those who believe in the powers of amulets. For one, it is a period of spiritual devotion and fasting, which boosts the special capabilities of these objects. This is also the best time to perform special rituals to give life, sanctify, and bless amulets.

By the way, don't you know that the powers of amulets fade away at 3 o'clock on Good Fridays? Well, not to worry, because they return on Easter Sundays!

While special powers can be obtained from proper usage of amulets, there are some precautions required to maintain them. For example, one should avoid being stepped over by another person (mahakbangan), or engage in a sexual activity while wearing it.  It is also forbidden to attend a funeral wake or visit a graveyard while using an agimat.

Most amulets, particularly medallions and talismans. must be constantly fed with the right prayers or oracion that are specially assigned to them.  This is very important!

Lastly, an amulet owner must not flaunt or brag about it. Hindi ito dapat ipinagyayabang.

If you're interested in learning more about amulets, bertud or anting-anting, you may contact me here.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Binibining Pilipinas 2017 Psychic Prediction

by: Psychic Gurmeet

What are your insights for the Binibining Pilipinas 2017? There are about 100 applicants vying to be included in the 40 official candidates from where the Philippines' representative to Miss Universe, International, Intercontinental, Grand lnternational, Globe, and Supranational pageants will be chosen.

Once again, thanks to all those who follow my predictions!

Here is what I see for the top beauties of the 2017 Bb. Pilipinas beauty pageant:

  • At the top, close competition between two contestants -- one will have the letter G in her name, number 11 or number 2 connected, and the other is associated to number 21 and has alphabets (S) (U) connected to her.
  • There is a also a very strong contestant who will be having alphabet (A) and connected to number 1 and alphabet (N).
  • A beauty with number 3 with alphabet (E) will be in silver, white or is her favourite colour.
  • One practical and dominating answer will leave no choice but for her to stand as if hiding and number 4 from the left. She will say she likes nature, talk about fragrance or should be somewhere attached to a TV commercial selling things connected to beauty.
  • Contestant connected to number 7 will have difficulty in walking or something that makes her uncomfortable at that moment when the time requires her to perform and she fails.
  • This will be an interesting contest to watch with many funny moments also.  Now, something interesting about the contestant connected to number 19 who has the capability to be the next Miss Universe!
  • One contestant connected to number 15 and to alphabet (P).
  • But winners look more connected to (A), (I), (G), (S) & (U).

It is going to be a thrilling event, and my best wishes to all the contestants, may the best win and make the Philippines proud!

Love and light,


Saturday, February 25, 2017

Hacienda Luisita, Mendiola Massacre, EDSA Revolution, NAIA

by: Psychic August

Will the Hacienda Luisita and Mendiola Massacre issues be finally resolved during the Duterte administration? 

Even with the current Duterte administration, there will be little, if at all, land reform that will occur on the controversial Hacienda Luisita, keeping it in the hands of the Aquino's and other landlords that financially benefit from it. Every now and then, in the next several years, we will still hear news of farmers' protests, or the like.

Likewise, the Mendiola massacre will also not have any final resolution during the current administration, in terms of vindication for all who had lost friends and family during the tragedy.

On commemorating the EDSA Revolution
The 1986 Edsa revolution  which is commemorated every 25th of February will still be observed, although just relegated to a working holiday, with the usual ceremonies held in the Edsa shrine reduced to a Mass held in remembrance of it.

On Ninoy Aquino International Airport

The Ninoy Aquino International Airport will revert back to being officially called "Manila International Airport".

November 26, 2016

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Love Spells, Anyone?

by: Master Darren

Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day celebration whether with your romantic one, parents, siblings or dearest friends! Love keeps the world moving and no matter who we share it with, it sure generates inspiration and radiates energy to keep us going!

There are different scenarios that create our love story. Some chapters are ecstatic while some may be cold and gloomy. In esoteric world there are various ways to stabilize a romantic relationship.  There are the traditional readings intended to assess and deal with your and your partner's feelings and emotions and they can be useful when approached and used properly.

There are also practices that fall into categories of rituals and spells.  Yes, Im referring to love binding or some would call love spell casting. Spells are similar to prayers that are intended to heighten an energy towards a particular ending or result, and in love spell, you say it, ending up with a romantic relationship with that someone!  However, bear in mind that, similar to other esoteric practices, while a love spell may assist you in strengthening an existing relationship or being noticed by that special someone, it's not going to do all the work for you. The universe is not going to force a relationship where it's not intended to be, because a relationship is supposed to grow at one's free will.  In other words, a love spell will not produce a romantic couple in a snap, but it can heighten the chances of a relationship!

In case you're interested in love spells to enhance your chances for that romance, or an assistance in freeing yourself from a traumatic (past) relationship, feel free to chat me up through my contact details here.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

ALDUB Psychic Prediction: Real Wedding

by:  Psychic Gurmeet

My thanks to all the readers from the Philippines and rest of the world for loving all my previous predictions, I am humbled!

As I have received  the question about ALDUB, here is what I see for them.

The year 2017 begins with hope for the future, becoming big stars.  Great indication of wishes being fulfilled, not the one they had expected but more than that, and wonderful results!

Major ambition being fulfilled, success, and achievement of greater victory than what they expect by being more bold and showing what people never expected in terms of creativity and emotions.

It is not a fake relationship as some people might think.  Emotions are real and there will be deeper relationship that will develop with time, with so much more understanding!

I see pure love with high possibility for marriage, and happiness where hearts prosper!
It is not a fake relationship. There is pure love between the two and a high possibility for a real wedding!

To be continued...


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Miguel Guia @ 2016 Mr. International Psychic Prediction

 by: Psychic Jay

Let's see how this good-looking gentleman, Miguel Mari Guia, will fare in the 2016 Mr. International pageant.

Starting with his preparation for the pageant, there seems to be a need for clear direction on the optimal way to get himself ready for the competition.  It seems to be a slow process yet requiring right decisions. 

Miguel personifies compassion and kindness. However, he also needs to control his emotions as he can be hot-tempered at times.  Miguel somehow has a tendency to be a little stubborn so he may need to recognize and act on it as well during the competition.

When I look at Miguel's chances of bagging the 2016 Mr. International title, I don't see him being voted as the winner of this competition.  There will be many candidates who are more ready than him. Failure in making the right decisions or following his intuition during his preparation plays a big role in the outcome. However, he will learn a lot and will appreciate this wonderful experience and accomplishment.  He will find success in modeling roles, and prosperity as an enterpreneur/businessman.

December 26, 2016

Monday, February 6, 2017

2017 Showbiz Prediction: KATHNIEL

by: Psychic August

The loveteam KATHNIEL will still be a major crowd drawer this year.  Individually, each will still excel in their careers, and both have been putting more attention in having other means of income besides their show business.

That they genuinely love each other, as the pair are lovers in real life, will be more evident as they continue to appear before the public, and strengthen the probability that they will end up with each other at a future time, although that will not be in the immediate future.

Both, especially Kathryn Bernardo, must be careful of more gossips and intrigues in the near future, especially rumors about pregnancy this year, which will just prove to be water cooler stories and nothing else.

There may be ideas to break up the pair and partner them up with others, but this will not push through as the love team will still prove to be one of the most widely followed romantic duo in the country.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Miss Universe 2016

Our fearless prediction on Miss Universe beauty pageant has come to pass again, this time with France's Iris Mittenaere bagging the most coveted crown in the pageant world!

The next top contender will be with that with softness and calm with triple "I" in her name, and a royal tradition in her blood. She is from from a country next to North Atlantic ocean.

Interestingly, this prediction was also recognized by the media and was re-published on Manila Times, Morning News USA, and Hollywood Hall of Fame magazine. Merci beaucoup!

Full prediction here.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

2017 Chinese New Year Traditions for Good Luck

The Year of the Rooster runs from January 28, 2017 (Chinese New Year) until Feb. 15, 2018.

Many of us observe some traditions associated with the chinese new year to attract good luck and prosperity for the coming year.  The most common of them include lighting firecrackers, giving red envelopes, and helping ourselves with some servings of round fruits and sticky sweets like tikoy.

But aside from these traditions, did you know that one unique chinese practice that is easy to follow (and quite sexy, too) is wearing red undies during the new year? One requirement though, is that your red undergarments must be brand new, so please tow away the old ones on this day :)

For more interesting chinese new year practices which are believed to improve your chances of a prosperous 2017, please check out the post below:

FEARLESS PREDICTIONS REAL PSYCHICS: Chinese New Year Traditions for Good Luck: by:  Psychic GU Hi everyone! I hope you're starting the Lunar New Year in an auspicious way.  In this special feature of Fea...

 Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

2017 Philippine Political Predictions

Here are some of what I see for 2017, with parts of some of them spilling over to succeeding year:

First, on President Duterte, there will still be a lot of rumors on his so-called deteriorating physical health and state of mind, but throughout 2017 the president will exhibit a robust health condition which will be noticeavle as he goes on with all his activities.  This will serve as the foundation of what local mystics and seers have been predicting, that the Philippines will become a spiritual and economic center in South East Asia.

Scandals will continue to pester and hound President Duterte - with the usual issues involving EJK controversies and his potty mouth. But the popularity of the president will continue to be evident, despite his provocative ways and his potty mouth.  He will not step down from power.

The appeal for recount of the 2016 vice presidential poll results filed by former Senator Bongbong Marcos vs VP Leni Robredo, albeit slow and delayed, will still yield the results of massive cheating on behalf of the current Vice president.

Senator Leila de Lima will be disbarred, as well as dismissed from the Senate, as was already predicted before.

As for former president Benigno Aquino III, Pnoy, as was earlier predicted, cases will be filed against him, but said cases will drag, especially throughout 2017.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

2017 Celebrity Prediction: JADINE Nadine Lustre & James Reid

by: Psychic Jay

In 2017, Nadine Lustre and James Reid's career will flourish even more with major projects as well as business ventures and travel opportunities.  Their popularity will further skyrocket this year.

With regard to romance, their relationship has started with each one having deep feeling and devotion for each other.  Each one is respectful and confident towards one another and this helps them to pursue each others personal interests without causing conflict or a tendency to drift apart.

For a young couple surrounded by modern day distractions, their relationship is on a level that many couples their age can only dream of.

As I have mentioned, their romance had set off with high passion and intention for a permanent relationship.  However, while they manifest great fascination with each other, their relationship still needs more maturity; they still need to prove this for a longer period of time, and they simply cannot rush it.

Related prediction:     2016 JADINE Prediction

Monday, January 2, 2017

2017 Showbiz Prediction: Liza Soberano & Enrique Gil #LizQuen

by: Psychic Jay

Thanks for letting me read for this beautiful love team once again.

For the coming year 2017, I see both of them progressing steadily in their careers, although the lady would seem to enjoy more diversed and wider opportunities than the gentleman.  Having said this, in their off-screen life, the gap generated by their career progress and inert personality differences may cause one to be more dominating than the other, and may represent a potential source of conflict between them.

There will be issues between them that will call a need to be calm and unsuspecting during the year. This relationship may enter a delicate or fragile state but its not necessarily the end of it as long as they will be more open in communicating and expressing expectations, and resolving misunderstanding before they get out of control.

If they could overcome these issues, their relationship will reach a deeper level during the year, but not yet to a stage of serious commitment as that could still take many years down the road.  As what I had shared last year, Liza & Enrique would really need to work hard to make things happen.

Related prediction:     2016 Prediction: Liza Soberano & Enrique Gil

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Miss Universe 2015 - Clairvoyant's Prediction Revisited

Exactly a year ago, the whole pageantry world, or universe rather, was shocked by the 2015 Miss Universe coronation controversy when the host, Steve Harvey, announced the wrong winner.  Albeit this unprecedented gaffe, it was the time  for pageant-devoted filipinos to rejoice, victorious after a 40-year drought from this most celebrated beauty pageant.

Let us re-post the 2015 Miss Universe prediction that had kept our readers wondering for several months prior to the coronation.
But I see a beautiful woman from the East, with alphabet "A" attached to her, has a great scope as mentioned earlier, in some controversy at some time but that will be in her favor and will have a chance to win, with her being soft spoken and winner of hearts.
Hap-Pia-nniversary, guys! 😆

FEARLESS PREDICTIONS REAL PSYCHICS: Miss Universe 2015 - Clairvoyant's Prediction: by:  Psychic Gurmeet Fearless Predictions™ note:  With the pageant still many months away, and most countries still preparing for their lo...

Related prediction:  2016 Miss Universe Prediction

Anne Curtis & Erwan Heussaff Engagement

With the recent engagement of this couple, the prediction issued in February 2015 has come to pass.

Congratulations to Anne Curtis and Erwan Heussaff!

FEARLESS PREDICTIONS REAL PSYCHICS: Anne Curtis & Erwan Heussaff: by:  Psychic August It will be a long engagement before this couple decides to tie the knot.  In addition to the four years or so th...

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Psychic Prediction: PNP Chief Ronald 'Bato' Dela Rosa

by: Psychic August

Current PNP Chief Ronald 'Bato' Dela Rosa will continue to weed out the corrupt members of the police force as well as make good in the elimination of the widespread drug trade in the country, even if delayed on the declared 3 to 6 months' time frame.

The involvement in the drug trade of more officials of the past administration and famous showbiz personalities will continue to surface, which has already included Richard Gomez; more equally popular male and female celebrities  will be uncovered to public's surprise and dismay.  This progress will make him more famous, gathering more public acclaim as he will continue to have very good rapport with the media.
Director Bato's achievement will propel him to pursue a political career after his run as PNP Chief. Having a huge following, he will become a successful senator after the year 2022.
Lastly, the recent fact-finding investigation into Director Bato's recent trip to Las Vegas to watch Senator Pacquiao's match versus  WBO welterweight champion Jessie Vargas will yield no breach in ethics, clearing Director Bato of any abuse of his position as PNP Chief.  In fact, the findings will not even be made public and will just quietly slip away from the public's attention.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Catriona Gray @ 2016 Miss World Psychic Prediction

 by: Psychic Gurmeet

Catriona Gray knows there are going to be struggles, competitions and it's not going to be easy at the 2016 Miss World Beauty Pageant.  However, she is very confident that she is going to win.  She is going to get a good news that is also seen!

I see her celebrating soon.  Later, she would be going to a place which will be connected to sea or a river, where she will be spending time with someone close to her. As far as the distant future is concerned, I see there can be some ups and downs.  There are some hidden things, where I can see that she will have to travel away from difficulties and towards positivity in a different direction or the success will be partial.

In love matters, I see her victory in a relationship, over the third person in a love triangle situation.  I also see contentment, peace, good companionship and family happiness that is going to last and there will be lots of success - a wish fulfilled and that everything works for the best. There is also a move or purchase of residence in the near future.

When I look at her past, things were not moving the way she wanted, there were delays, backstabbing, but suddenly everything changed and because of spiritual blessings she has turned everything for good.  In the distant past, I see stress and frustration, journey with hope and she showed her courage and she also manage to come out of odd situations in her life.

She is a star and truely deserves success for the struggles and sacrifices I see she has done.  She has to be careful of an egoistic man.
Catriona Gray knows there are going to be struggles, competitions and it's not going to be easy at the 2016 Miss World Beauty Pageant.  However, she is very confident that she is going to win. She is going to get a good news that is also seen!
Love & light,


Related Prediction:   2016 Miss World Psychic Prediction

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Finding Ronnie: Is Ronnie Dayan Alive?

by: Psychic August

Will Ronnie Dayan ever be caught? Is he still alive?

The answer is Yes, after a long period of eluding the authorities, Ronnie Dayan y Palisoc, the alleged driver/bodyguard and lover of beleaguered senator Leila de Lima will be caught within the 1st half of next year, 2017, inspite of the protection given to him by a "broad built man" who is "the powerful politician of the north"  pointed out by the DOJ secretary. This will happen several weeks before Senator de Lima's expulsion from the Senate due to ethical and moral complaints put forward by Congress.

Ronnie Dayan's resulting disclosures about the drug trade in the New Bilibid Prison and outside elsewhere, especially when compared to that of ex-druglord Kerwin Espinosa, would lead to the identification and capture of several other druglords who are people in high places of government.

Related prediction:  Will Leila de Lima Go To Jail?

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

US Pres. Donald Trump Psychic Prediction

 by: Psychic Gurmeet

How do you see the US government under President-elect Donald Trump?

Let me tell you directly what I see.

My vision shows an energetic man, generous to friends, with taste for luxuries, but a hasty personality who will bring a lot of changes. Some people will really like him and on the other side there will be majority of the world badly criticizing him.

I see abuse of power, cravings for more power, that will never end. There will be dishonesty, direct confrontation with  people who will work against his efforts.

There shall be protests where his downfall is also indicated.

For some time, he will be surrounded by pleasures, excellent social life, friends, happiness, economic boom for us and love relationships that will be fulfilling. Later, things turned into vanity, complacency, over-sentimental attitude and carelessness, leaving things which are very important to be addressed behind, holding to his own material possessions and benefits, running from one place to another with no peace of mind, which could lead to another world war situation.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Will CALEXIT Happen?

by: Psychic August

There have been calls for the State of California to secede from the US federal government, a "CALEXIT", as a response to the recent results of the US elections by groups sympathetic to the losing democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

This reading shows CALEXIT will not materialize as there will not be enough support for it. Most americans will realize that a Republican government with President-elect Donald Trump will not be as bad as they have initially feared, with the latter eventually turning out to be an American version of a "President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines" with his own set of iconoclastic reforms focused on restricted immigration to the US and the rooting out of all illegal immigrants of a criminal and laggard bent, which will bear a similarity to the "War on Drugs" currently going on in the Philippines as to how it would unfold.

Friday, November 11, 2016

The Unpublished Imelda Schweighart @ Miss Earth 2016 Pageant Prediction

by: Psychic Jay

Fearless Predictions note: Below is the prediction submitted by Psychic Jay in August 2016. However, because of the contents which may be misunderstood by readers, the blogger has decided not to publish until now that the pageant has been concluded.  All credits to Psychic Jay!

When I try to focus on Miss Schweighart, she exudes a strong level of energy and excitement for the 2016 Miss Earth pageant. She knows what she wants and she is prepared to achieve them.

What stands out from this reading, however, is the feeling of being left out in which she feels that she suffers from lack of support.  She needs to understand that if she asks for help she would get them.

Imelda might encounter a lot of unresolved issues and conflicts which would serve as her main challenge throughout the pageant.  She has a strong energy that gives her a tendency to be misunderstood and appear cutting to others unintentionally, so she may need to be careful about this.

As to whether she would take a back-to-back crown of Miss Earth  for the country, all that is shown to me is that she may have difficulty showing the best side of her during the pageant.  Her challenge would be to see the positive aspects in a situation and as mentioned above she needs to be careful about the perception she creates.

I wish Imelda all the best at the 2016 Miss Earth pageant.

Reading date: August 14, 2016

Will Sen. Leila de Lima Go to Jail?

by: Psychic August

Will Senator de Lima be impeached from the Senate? Will she be put in jail?

So, let's see the answer with the Rider - Waite deck: The World, Ace of Cups, The Moon, Eight of Cups.

Based on the cards drawn, Sen. Leila de Lima will not be able to finish her term in the Senate.  This reading indicates her being discharged from the Senate due to evidences and testimonies to current allegations against her.

With this development, however, it remains to be seen if she would actually be convicted from the charges filed against her, as the trials that come as a result of this has a tendency of dragging on.

That's all I can I see from this reading. Let's wait for the outcome of those charges/ allegations.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Psychic Prediction: 2016 Miss Supranational

by: Psychic Gurmeet

I see four strong numbers associated to the name of the top countries or the contestants directly in any close way possible that are 16, 9, 22 & 2.

So now lets begin with the top contenders:

Alphabet "I" or number 9 is important this time,  and can be seen on the number one position. A strong contestant associated with number 16 or 1+6=7 will try her best and share equal chance.

The next one, with an attitude and not ready to give up, strong at words will be having a connection to number 10 in any way possible or associated to alphabet T.

On the next position, I see a someone associated with number 1, who competes or is close to the number 4.

On the next position I see some one mature enough to understand that she has it all that she rightfully deserves, she connects to number 4.

The one on the last position connects to number 7.

There is a strong contestant connected to number 16 or "P" as stated above. She has a very strong chance to win but the competition is close, so her over confidence is the only thing that she needs to check to win over her one strong opponent.

With love & light,


November 3, 2016

Monday, October 31, 2016

Major Psychic Prediction on President Duterte

by: Psychic Gurmeet

Will Duterte be able to turn the Philippines into a developed country ie., better economy, lower unemployment and improved peace and order situation?

I will give exactly what I see that holds for the future-- I clearly see direct confrontation with opponents that will not work out well.  He will have to be more cunning and use all his wiles to defeat his enemies. Perhaps he has to sacrifice something in order to succeed. I also see someone stealing important information or some deep secrets below his nose.  Next, I also see a woman who looks from a warrior or political background, who spies for another country or political party. Numbers 5 & 7 or connection to it or any person near him may bring his defeat, failure, and loss not only for him but for the whole country.

He has been chosen to do something big and change his country to set the right example for the whole world, but he needs to take right steps otherwise the powers will have to choose another one to do better.  Further, when I look in more details, I can clearly see that he will need to cut his losses and swallow his pride because things can start from where it all began, as if he might get back-tracked.  The course he is on right now shall bring nothing but misery in the long run if direction is not changed.  A change in plan or direction is a must, with more diplomacy. There are things that he is running from or the things that are being overlooked, for which he will repent later.

Being stubborn, having pride and refusal to give in, even if everything is lost and above all showing it off is a not a good combination at all, and at this stage of responsibility.  He needs to be more careful from deceptive charms and beauties.

Will he be able to lure foreign investors and create more jobs in the country?

There will be benefits to people but not the way they are being expected-- here law and order will always remain the top priority that might change the system from its core, and some major changes with good news related to employment and business.  With economic strategy and planning, things look possible. However, I see people working harder, salary cuts and higher expenses too.  A vision and strategy to lure foreign investors will work. Thing will be entirely different soon because I see some major changes and big leaps that this country will take for progress, no matter who rules it.

With his recent stance on strengthening the country' relationship with China, will he risk being ousted from his position by the country's biggest ally, the United States? How will the Philippines relationship with the US be during Duterte's tenure?

Strengthening the country' relationship with China and other major things done in the past will have negative impact in coming time.  A very strong woman from US will be looking at him and his moves constantly and diplomatically waiting for the right time to show a strong reaction to the past.  She may try her best to get control and tame the lion but it will be hard for her because he will not be alone there will be the power of 8 with him but I again see a lady who will control him and make him move as per her choice but she will have to give in all her mind, powers and efforts to do it and she is seen working and planning it even now.

Will he sustain public support until he finish his term?  Will he be able to finish his term?

Like a man walking on a rope at a great height and there are many people trying to cut it, I see partial support that can never sustain for long-- to win hearts and all hearts is not possible as there are so many things that I see as a positive change but before that, there would be sacrifices.

I see people losing their faith in him and he will feel being crucified and deceived by his own men in coming time but careful control of volatile factors right now may save him resulting in his full term with success and holding to his success that will be legendary and people will remember for generations.
...careful control of volatile factors right now may save him resulting in his full term with success that will be legendary and people will remember for generations.
Thanks for appreciating my precious predictions.

With love & light to all the readers.


Related prediction: 2016 Philippines Presidential Election

Friday, October 21, 2016

Psychic Prediction: 2016 Miss Grand International

by: Psychic Gurmeet

This is the prediction out of top 10 contestants.

The top three contestants that will be connected to number 17, number 19 & number 1 in any ways they can be.  These can be the contestant numbers or have strong connection to these numbers.

The next contestant looks cheerful and also a person of two worlds, with head in the heavens and roots in the earth, will come from a big country of rivers and lakes, with lots of hope and will prosper but will lose of immaturity and needs to grow.

Further I see a hardworking contestant connected to number 8, good at cooking,  loses it all for now but her long term goals will be fruitful.

Later is a contestant who is clever at spells and is jealous of many, burns in agony and will soon need help, her name will start with D.

Next is the one with the place with name E, she feels alone and now knows the goal is tough.

Another one will be in tensions too high. Will be in her own style and not appreciated because her talks will be in personal style, number 2 will be connected to her in any ways and will reveal whatever is in her mind is not in the right time.

Finally the  two out of ten will be one that will never rise will have a connection with letter M and the next  one connected with letter L  will lose too but will transform later completely when she loses to realise that this isn't the right pace for her & will later do something else.

This is all I see for now.

All the best to all the contestants.  May the best one win.

With lots of love & light to all,


Saturday, October 15, 2016

Psychic Prediction: Miss World 2016

by: Psychic Gurmeet

I present my prediction for Miss World 2016.

I see alphabet P, C & B associated with the top contenders.

Out of the top 10 contestants, in any order:

  • One will look very innocent with very carefree attitude and looks are cute.
  • Connected to the  letter F, and is loved by all but will find it hard to win in the end.
  • One who will be sharp to answer and tries to be on the top as she deserves and her name also has an A but her crown if come will be at a sharp turning point.
  • One is a pleasing personality who will think that she will be a winner but the fact will be that she will win another time at another event and somewhere else and not this time.
  • Next will lose the game her name with D but she will feel that there was tough competition.
  • Another will belong to something that will make her look very spiritual or something that connects her to a family of some religious background but will be not a winner.
  • Next will give an answer that won’t be appreciated by judges and she will think later what she said.
  • A contestant and her journey is long and has a chance to win too, look the winner to me already with the name connected to P or C.
  • One will stuck at a point where she will have to return to B which is her native place.
  • Lastly, one who will have a strong chance to win too but will be lost in dreams and lose because of unbalanced focus.
A contestant and her journey is long and has a chance to win too, look the winner to me already with the name connected to P or C.
With all my best wishes to all the contestants of Miss World 2016.  May the best contestant win.
