
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

2016 Chinese Horoscope Astrology

What do the planets hold for us in 2016?

For those who keep on sending in horoscope-type of questions on Fearless Predictions™ Facebook, Thank you!  We've found a site on chinese astrology, courtesy of Chinese Fortune Calendar for you!

Click on the astrological chart above, and see what it says for you according to chinese astrology.  Bear in mind that 2016 is a Year of the Monkey, and in the oriental culture, Chinese New Year starts on February 4, 2016.

 Have a Prosperous New Year!!!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Announcement of Miss Philippines as Miss Universe 2015

Watch the video:

But I see a beautiful woman from the East, with alphabet "A" attached to her, has a great scope as mentioned earlier, in some controversy at some time but that will be in her favor and will have a chance to win, with her being soft spoken and winner of hearts. 

For the full prediction, please read:

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Psychic Insight: Rodrigo Duterte @ 2016 Presidential Candidacy

by: Psychic Jay

Could you please read on developments around Mayor Rodrigo Duterte's presidential candidacy?

There is a good possibility that an offer will come his way in the very near future, but he must work hard to go out and seal it.  Although it is already under his nose, there is still a possibility that he will lose it. 

The cards give an advice that he needs to exhibit concern for other people’s needs in favor of his own. What is lacking now is his connection on the emotional level rather than intellectual.  The cards suggest to be more conscious of the consequences of his actions and their effect on others.

The cards still indicate Mr. Duterte contemplating on what he really wants. This ambiguity in direction is causing him to lack the motivation and drive to really pursue the opportunity at hand. The cards suggest to focus on his true passion, before working towards a goal which doesn't stimulate his excitement. He needs to release some of his existing responsibilities to free up his energy for any new opportunity he wants to embark on. There is a sense of fatigue and the feeling of responsibilities being overwhelming for him.

The final conclusion of this spread tells me that Mr. Duterte will still be in a state of "hesitation" for any long term commitments, and he needs to relieve himself of any excess pressure and capabilities to give way to the new opportunity i.e., Presidential candidacy.

Reading Date: December 5, 2015
Photo: Philstar

Friday, December 4, 2015

Psychic Insight: Pia Wurtzbach @ Miss Universe 2015

by: Psychic Jay

Fearless Predictions™ note: Due to many requests for an "updated" prediction on Ms. Pia Wurtzbach, Bb. Pilipinas Universe 2015, we have decided to post a new article, but this time it is not the intention to predict whether Ms. Wurtzbach will bag the crown or not.  Instead, we will try to see what energies surround her that would determine whether she will succeed or not.  Enjoy!

The first thing that I sensed when I zoomed in on Pia was her losing focus as she proceeds with her journey to the Miss Universe 2015.  At the early stages of the competition, she will be overly conscious that her actions follow what she has mastered.  However, at some point, she will notice that she is not getting the results that she wanted, and this will send her tail-spinning and attempting to take  what seems to be a "short-cut" to  her goal, which will only put her off-track even more.  There will be feelings that she's stuck to do things imposed upon her.  This will create a feeling of resistance and confusion on her part which will eventually dissipate her focus and confidence during the final activities of  the competition.  The cards are very strong that she should stick to what she is prepared at "come what may", and she needs to have a quick decision on this matter.

I  see  surges of over-confidence on her part, and she needs to keep her feet on the ground and be in touch with reality. Having said this, she, however, needs to assert herself in order to be noticed by the jury.  I see her being surrounded by enormous amount of superficiality and jealousy all throughout the pageant, but she should leverage these to her advantage.
Pia's energy will be of abundance, radiance, and warmth, and she will have an opportunity, and be able to showcase her best qualities during the pageant.
On a positive note, Pia's energy will be of abundance, radiance, and warmth, and she will have an opportunity, and be able to showcase her best qualities during the pageant.  However, she needs to be stable  and consistent during the entire competition, and stick to what she has mastered.  She must also be on guard of her emotion.  There is an enormous amount of moral support being poured upon her by her family, friends and fans.  I see a man "in authority" behind her.

Photo credit:

Related Prediction:  Miss Universe 2015 - Clairvoyant's Prediction

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Paris Terrorist Attack: Will Salah Abdeslam Be Caught? #parisattacks

by: Psychic August

Will suspect Salah Abdeslam be caught? And what happens next?

Saleh Abdeslam, the suspected member of the ISIS sympathetic group that carried out the November 13, 2015 Paris attacks who is still at large and who is currently the most wanted man in Europe, will be posthumously caught several months into 2016. Along with him, a woman ISIS sympathizer who has long eluded the authorities will also be caught. The pair will be caught outside France but still within Europe, with the bounty on Salah Abdeslam's head piling up to a hefty sum on the eve of his posthumous capture.

After the November 13, 2015 Paris attacks, France and the rest of Europe should still be on guard as a similar attack will follow several months into 2016 within France.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Ms. Alma Moreno @ 2016 Philippine Senatorial Election

by: Psychic Jay

The spread opens with Ms. Alma Moreno facing a challenge to the continued success of her senatorial candidacy from the public.  While this seems to be blocking her way, she can overcome this obstacle by drawing upon her self-confidence, particularly by clarifying her purpose.  She also needs to understand that she cannot win everyone's approval all the time, and what is important in this situation is to highlight her individuality.

I see a mature father-figure who will be at Ms. Moreno's side extending great influence to her.  This man is rich, generous, and conducts himself very well in politics.

Ms. Moreno will be required to exert more effort, and organize herself to solidify her stance in  the senatorial race.  This will be a slow process for her, as she will not quickly realize what she is aiming for.  She will have the required endurance to continue on, however, she will not be able to push harder and accomplish what she desires.  At that point in time when Ms. Moreno is hindered by challenges that her real strength will manifest and shine.

Pia Wurtzbach Miss Universe 2015 Update & Miss Universe 2016

by: Psychic August

Could you please provide an update to the prediction  given earlier this year regarding Pia's 2015 Miss Universe performance?

Similar to what I saw in my earlier prediction, the Philippines' bet for the 2015 Miss Universe Beauty Pageant will fare no better than the Philippines 2014 delegate, MJ Lastimosa.

I see Miss Universe 2015 as a lady from the western land.

The good thing that I see is that in the 2016 Miss Universe, the Philippine delegate will be in the Top 5, reaching even the First Runner-up position, and faring better than her two previous predecessors.  She will not be able to clinch the title, and the Miss Universe 2016 crown will be worn by a south american.


Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Laglag Bala Scam

by: Psychic August

The Marseilles cards drawn for this reading reveals that the ongoing "Laglag Bala" Scam that has escalated into very alarming frequency of late, but which has been found out to be going on since the year 2012, claiming a lot of victims whether non-Filipinos, or the balikbayan's alike, is composed of a big group of people from various departments, all working within or in connection to the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA).

Contributing to the already besmirched image of the NAIA towards the international community, these people continue with this horrendous frame-up act of victimizing travellers for the promise of extorting big money. However, the money part is only secondary, as the cards indicate the ultimate purpose is to strew fear, therefore damaging the reputation of the country in the end.

Some  people who are suspected to be part of the hidden big group have already been identified and apprehended by the authorities, but none of them are among the ring leaders of the scam.

More perpetrators will be uncovered in the near future, including a few, but not all, of its masterminds. The scam will continue, although not in the frequency of how it was occurring recently.

The most recent victims will have the so called "charges of possession of illegal ammunition" against them dropped, especially after the Senate Inquiry about it has been recently conducted, and with the ongoing investigation on it conducted by the NBI.

The American Pastor's family, who was allegedly victimized by this laglag bala scam and who threatened to file charges against the NAIA authorities, will eventually opt for an out-of-court settlement and redress of grievances, this being not publicized anymore.

Reading date: November 13, 2015

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Hillarie Danielle Parungao @ Miss World 2015

by:  Psychic Astrid & Psychic August

Photo: Starmometer

Now let's have a look, what the cards are showing for Hillarie.

I will start with the Kipper-cards:  The Change, The Rich Girl, The Rich Man, The End, The Good Message.  Until now, this beauty had already a very successful run and people like her very much. She has a strong charisma and she knows how to present herself in a very nice way. I don't know how many people are in the jury, but unfortunately two of them are not so convinced by her and they prefer another competitor for the first place. The last card is telling, that she will get good news and this tells us, that she will win place number two or three.

Now let us check the Goddess-cards: The Easiness, The Limit, Unconditional Abandonment, The Stability, The Instinct.  This drawing shows, that at the beginning of the competition everything seems easy and clear for her - and then during the process there is a limit for her (like the Kipper-cards showed as well) - she will present herself with less enthusiasm, unlike what she does normally.  Something will block her - it seems, that her self-confidence is weak or she's anxious too much of her competitors.  This behavior is affecting the two people of the jury.  She is very beautiful in appearance, but unfortunately, she will not show the whole potential - what is in her.  Her competitors are more powerful, more natural and this is what will handicap her to present herself in the best way.  In summary, Hillary needs to be more relaxed and more natural so that people feel attracted to her.  This drawing is repeating, that she will not win the first place - she will be ranked second or third.

When I confirmed with another drawing, yes, she is going to be a finalist, and regarding the specific prize she will receive, I got the strongest for 3rd Place.

Hillarie will get a lot of opportunities for a successful future.  She will get offers for interesting contracts for endorsements, shows, and television.  I see a lot of people, who are interested in her and she will have the possibility to choose the offer she likes the most.  So the conclusion of the whole drawing is that although Hillarie would not garner the pageant's top position - at the end she will be still be a winner, because she will have fabulous chances for her personal and professional future.


Miss World Philippines 2015 Hillarie Danielle Ang Parungao, who is already service-oriented at the young age of 24 by running KATUWANG: Fight Against Child Mortality, exudes a very powerful magnetic aura that easily made her a favorite in all the recent pageants she has joined in, especially the 2014 Miss Asia Pacific Pageant where it has been said that she should have been the rightful winner.

What I discern is that she is also an empath with the ability to deeply connect with people which makes her successful with her TV hosting for the Filipino Chinese community. These two gifts, besides her physical beauty, can help her when she represent the Philippines in the upcoming Miss World 2015 pageant to be held in China.

At this time she must refresh and rebuild her energy as she seems to have been on a physical low recently, perhaps due to the grueling routine she must keep up with to prepare herself for the upcoming Miss World pageant. She must also be more confident of herself as she is going through some level of uncertainty if she will effectively represent her country in the upcoming pageant. This perhaps is a throwback on how she fared in the recent international pageant she competed in. She should just move forward as there is a lot she could do to prepare herself effectively, much in a psychological sense, to win the Miss World 2015 title.

Her current vibration already assures her of a place among the top finalists in the pageant. However, what I see is that the Miss World 2015 crown will be won by a candidate from another Asian country. I see that the results will be shrouded with controversy, similar to the Miss Asia Pacific competition she joined in last year.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Rogelie Catacutan @ Miss Supranational 2015

by: Psychic August & Psychic 2Light


Ms. Rogelie Catacutan, Miss Philippines Supranational 2015 will be a finalist at the Miss Supranational 2015 pageant to be held in Poland this 4th of December. I see the crown being awarded to a lady representing a country that has yet to win in this pageant.

The cards are advising Rogelie to simply focus on everything relevant to her competing in the Miss Supranational pageant, tuning out any personal concerns that may only burden her and diminish the energy she will need during the pageant. I wish Rogelie all the best!


When I focus in on Miss Phillipines, Rogelie Catacutan, I get a sense of accomplishment.  There is so much more to pageants than beauty, grace and elegance.  She does not linger in the past or focus on her failures but looks at the failures of the past as learning curves and her success as a ladder to the light.

She has a strong character, a strong force of will that does not allow her to look at challenges as defeats or hurdles but opportunities.  What I sense is that she does not place blame on other people or try to minimize other people in order to make herself feel better or to gain favor.  Rogelie looks at herself first.  She examines her life, the good and the bad choices, and she puts them behind her.  Rogelie is poised to take the crown.  When I drew a card for the situation as it stands right now, I drew the World.  In the near future, dreams come true and miracles happen, as the Star indicates.

Opportunity is opening up to her.  There is confidence, happiness and security around her. This competition is a way for her to show everyone that beauty can be both eye pleasing and intelligent. I sense with Rogelie that she will succeed in her goals.  What I sense in her now, is that life is leading her down the right destiny path. Her intuition is guiding her the way it always has and always will.  She knows where she is in life and where she wants to be.

I sense too that this competition will go well for her.  Rogelie has goals in place and she will meet then exceed them.  I won't be surprised if Philippines takes center stage this time.

Friday, November 6, 2015

What's Next for The Miss Janicel Lubina?

by: Psychic August

What awaits "The Miss Janicel Lubina" following her Top 10 finish in the Miss International 2015?  Will she be sent to another international pageant in the future?

Following the Miss International 2015 Pageant, there is a rainbow after the rain for Miss Janicel Lubina, Bb. Pilipinas International 2015, and Miss International 2015 Top 10 finalist.

In fact, the Miss International  Pageant will just be a chapter in her exciting life.  She can expect more lucrative modelling  and commercial endorsement contracts and  even offers to enter show business.

With regard to pageant endeavors, I don't see her being "recycled" for other beauty pageants in the future.

Romance is also in the air for her as I see a very ardent admirer seriously pursuing her in the very near future, if not already in her periphery.  However, Janicel has the tendency not to enter into any romantic relationship at this time, preferring to focus her attention to the more practical aspects of her life.

I see Janicel eventually as a business woman/entrepreneur and the wife of a prominent non-politician in the greater future.  She will be a big supporter and patron of models and pageants.  Janicel will be a philanthropist for domestic helpers, pets and insects, and endangered wildlife. This will be her real success.

Related prediction: Janicel Lubina @ Miss International 2015

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Miriam Defensor Santiago @ 2016 Philippine Presidential Election

by: Psychic August

While Presidential aspirant Miriam Defensor Santiago has indeed recovered from her bout from cancer recently, she needs to be careful of physical weakness and health condition that may force her to end her campaign for the 2016 elections.

This may eventually leave two main contenders for the Philippine Presidency, and Vice Presidential candidate Bongbong Marcos may need to continue running without a partner presidential candidate.
Photo: Rappler

Miriam Defensor Santiago @ 2016 Philippine Presidential Election

by: Psychic August

While Presidential aspirant Miriam Defensor Santiago has indeed recovered from her bout from cancer recently, she needs to be careful of physical weakness and health condition that may force her to end her campaign for the 2016 elections.

This may eventually leave two main contenders for the Philippine Presidency, and Vice Presidential candidate Bongbong Marcos may need to continue running without a partner presidential candidate.
Photo: Rappler

Monday, November 2, 2015

Psychic Encounters in Ciudad Verdadero

Located between Km 135 and 136 of Lucban and Sampaloc towns within the Philippine province of Quezon, Ciudad Verdadero, which means "City of Truth', is a 29-hectare rolling hill of relative wilderness. At an initial impression, it would appear that there is nothing extraordinary about the place, but to the psychically "sensitive", the place would be discovered to be a sanctuary where one can communicate and receive revelations from certain nature spirits who have made the place their home.

Situated at the foot of the mystical Mt. Banahaw, Ciudad Verdadero is said to be the new "Mt. Banahaw" as the nature spirits of Mt. Banahaw have made the place as their new home after the mountain has become over commercialized and has fallen victim to environmental neglect, needing rehabilitation.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The ALDUB Loveteam Psychic Prediction #AlDub

by: Psychic 2Light

Photo: GMA News
What is the future of the popular "ALDUB" showbiz loveteam?  What could their fans expect in the next several months or even years?  Will they come off together in a romance outside showbiz?

There is excitement around this show and a chemistry between the two actors.  I sense a plethora of opportunity not only for the characters in the show but the writers as well.  Although actors and actresses get the credit for bringing characters to life, it is the writers whose imagination give birth to the idea and the show itself. 

There is success ahead for the loveteam. Their separation in the show is what drives the interest.  That separation will continue because the storylines are endless for bringing them together then separating them. It is about choice and options.  I sense that the writers have a unique plot twist coming up.  They want the show to be fresh and original.  The basis of the question is that anything is possible.  There will be tension between the main characters, obstacles will arise but they will ultimately come together.  There is balance in the show as well. I sense that this comes from the actors themselves. 

The basis is the Sun, this represents a big "Yes" to what the characters want.  They have found love but now they must maintain it, which is where the fun in the show begins.  There is a possibility for marriage ahead for these characters along with a sense that they will have to win over someone else.  This of course means that a character will be introduced who will try and enchant the female character away from her love.  I sense that the male protagonist will win out but not before having to go through hurdles to get there.  There will be unsettled emotions, a feeling of what if I don't go with this person or if I do go with them what will happen.  All of us ask these questions every day, so the show will mimic that and it will mirror our own insecurities. This is what makes the show fun and endearing.  The writers are putting a little of themselves into the character lines as well.  This too makes it spontaneous.  The show will reach new heights and the viewers are going to love the ride. 

Both actors are strong in their talents. They have bright futures ahead of them and they are exquisitely talented!

As for the two of them being involved with each other outside the biz, I sense that they have other energy around them, so at this time I don't see them as coming together off screen in a romance.  I do see their characters coming together in a unique and fun way, which will keep everyone on their toes.

Psychic 2LIGHT has been doing psychic readings for over 20 years.  He uses the Tarot and, combined with his intense intuitive, clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities, he listens to the voice of Spirit, which is the ultimate voice in the path to love, light and happiness.   

A Simple Halloween Ritual

by: Psychic August

This ritual aims to bring about spiritual cleansing, the elimination of the negative qualities of the mortal  (vices, greed, hedonism, narcissism, etc.), and upliftment of the spirit in man, where all love and goodness come from. This will also bless the dearly departed loved ones, and to lead the hungry ghosts to move on to the light, in spirit of the Halloween.

The ritual draws upon the energies present in the current full moon in the month of Scorpio, plus the other influences present in Halloween.

The framework used here was based on the rituals of the “Wicca of Light”, an evolutionary and  modern form of Wicca - which included, among other elements, the precedence of an internal meditative ritual to raise the consciousness before performing an external ritual to physically “lock in” the energies.  It excludes contents which might likely over-stimulate or put to risk the psychological well-being of an inexperienced practitioner, and as such it doesn't include such familiar elements of wiccan/pagan rituals such as  the calling forth of the watchtowers or invocation of any particular deity, or the intonation of  ancient god names.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Bongbong Marcos @ 2016 Philippine Vice Presidential Election

by: Psychic August

Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos, Jr. (BBM) formally announced his candidacy for the position of Vice President of the Philippines on auspicious time after the full effect of the Mercury retrograde period from September 18 to October 9.  Most of the Philippine vice presidential candidates, as well as presidential front-runner Grace Poe, made their formal announcement within the full effect of the retrograde.  Only Bongbong Marcos, Gringo Honasan, and Antonio Trillanes, declared outside the inauspicious period, but Bongbong's Jupiter transit trumps Honasan and Trillanes.

Thus, having properly declared at a more or less 'Tamang Panahon' (right time), along with a Jupiter transit in his natal sun sign of Virgo giving him tremendous luck, empowers Bongbong Marcos with a vibration that makes him the most predisposed to win the Philippine Vice Presidential post next year, despite the stigma of  his family. People will get the chance to see if he truly will redeem his family in the years 2016 to 2022.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Manny Pacquiao @ Philippine Senatorial Election 2016

by: Psychic Jay

Could you please read on Manny Pacquiao's 2016 Senatorial aspiration?

Thank you for having me read again for Fearless Predictions Real Psychics™ and let me see what lies ahead for Congressman Manny Pacquiao.

The opening spreads indicate a battle within Manny to pursue what he believes in versus what the society or tradition dictates.  There is a conflict originating from a higher authoritative figure, and it shows Manny breaking away from the norm and eventually deciding towards what he believes is the right thing to do.  Manny is recently facing challenges fitting into new alliances, but in the near future, he will be able to make good decisions that will help him navigate and carry through.

I sense that Manny has not completely moved on from past losses (Mayweather) and this will still haunt him in the next several months.  Manny, however, has started to shift his efforts towards a change in direction, and feels that while the past has not been completely ironed out, now is the time for a major change.  His long-term political ambition will take priority, and he will be successful in orchestrating his efforts towards this in the next 6 months.

The ultimate message of the spread indicates Manny having an excellent chance in the 2016 Philippine Senatorial race.  However,  the cards are also pointing out that he needs to be more intimate with public service than his other interests (boxing), if he is to be emotionally satisfied with a long-term stint in politics.

Photo: Tahonews

Monday, October 12, 2015

Christi Lynn McGarry @ Miss Intercontinental 2015

Christi Lynn McGarry, Miss Philippines Intercontinental 2015, will be a favorite with the judges of the Miss Intercontinental Beauty Pageant that is scheduled to be held in Germany this coming December.

The cards advise Christi to be positive all throughout the pageant period so that her innate charisma will come out, making her attuned to all the good vibes around her.

Christi will be a top finalist,  but the Miss Intercontinental 2015 crown will be awarded to another contestant with a very fair complexion.

There will be fame and fortune awaiting her as she returns to the Philippines - more lucrative modeling projects,  various endorsement contracts,  and a career in acting.
Psychic August is a clairvoyant, clairaudient, and a professional tarot reader and astrologist.  He accepts consultations and can be reached at these contact details.

Photo: Lux

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Egg Cleansing Ritual to Cast Negative Energy Away

by: Psychic Jay

No, this is not a culinary blog and I'm not going to show you how to poach an egg!

What I'm going to teach you is how to cast away any negative energy in and around your body.  This technique, called "limpia", has been practiced in some parts of Spain and South America, as well as Mexico for hundreds of years.  So if you believe that someone had cast a bad spell on you ("kulam", or even "usog"), or a situation you are in is creating a lot of negativity in you, then I suggest you give this a serious try!

For this ritual, you will need a raw egg, and about a cup of salt. Will take you 7-10 minutes to complete.

Here are the steps:

1) Wash the egg with soap and tap water, then dry.
2) Go to the bathroom, and with the salt, create a circle on the floor, where you can later stand in the middle of the circle.
3) Take the egg, remove your clothings, and stand in the middle of the salt circle.  Now you're ready for the actual cleansing.
4) While holding the egg, close your eyes, take a couple of slow deep breath to relax yourself,  imagine a white bright light coming from the sky, reaching your whole body.  Imagine that you are being wrapped with this white light from the sky.
5)  Pray to your Creator, and wish that whatever negativity in and around you be vanished.  Meditate on this for a few seconds.
6) Touch the top of your head with the egg. Imagine that the egg is sucking all the negative energy off your head.  Rub your head with the egg, slowly going down to the base of your head (where your spinal meets the skull), rub the egg, for a few seconds, then around your ears, to the temple, check and jaw, and to the neck.  Recite  "Negative energy, go away!", at the same time.
7) Continue rubbing the egg down to your chest, your torso, hands, stomach area, groin, legs, up to the base of your feet. If there's a spot in your body where you feel pain, concentrate in that area for a few more sec.
8) Repeat for at least 3 minutes.
At this point, all the negativity should have been absorbed by the egg already.
9) Break the egg into the toilet, sprinkle with the remainder of your salt, and flush away!
10) Finish this exercise with a shower.

This is a simple egg cleansing ritual but it does work wonders! You can do this up to 2 times every week, on a Tuesday or a Friday.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Simple Qigong 气功 Exercise that Works Wonders!

by: Psychic GU

Hello my dears, let me share with you this wondeful "qigong" technique.  This is supposed to  relieve stress, make you  stronger, and improve your overall health!

Swing your arms back and forth 5 times, then bend your knees. 

Do this 100 times everyday.

The man in the video was suffering from intestinal cancer, but after regularly practicing this exercise, went back to his doctor -- and found out he was clear of his illness!

My mom is practicing this technique as well, and she's becoming stronger and has lost a lot of weight. She is in very good health at 90!

Simple, quick, and you can do this almost everywhere!  I hope this is helpful, guys!

Love and Light,
Psychic Gu

Wiki: Qigong is a holistic system of coordinated body posture and movement, breathing, and meditation used for health, spirituality, and martial arts training. With roots in Chinese medicine, philosophy, and martial arts, qigong is traditionally viewed as a practice to cultivate and balance qi (chi) or what has been translated as "life energy".

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Reniel Villareal @ 2015 Mr. International Pageant

by: Psychic Astrid & Psychic August

Psychic Astrid

Let's see what chances this good-looking guy has for the title of Mr.International 2015:

We start, as usual, with the Kippercards, and they showed the following: The Open Way, The Big Hope, The Soldier, The Decision, The Error.

First of all, this contest will open new ways Reniel has never imagined.  He will get opportunities, which will be the base of a successful career but he needs to be consistent working on himself to develop an attractive appearance.  At the beginning of the contest, it will seem, that the competition is too strong for him, but the jury will decide better for him, than expected.  Therefore, although he has a feeling that he is not good enough, he should stay positive and this positive energy will impress the jury very much, and his special charm will persuade them.

Now the second drawing with the Goddess-Cards.  Here we have the following: Brigit, power of endurance; Conventina, spiritual cleaning and meditation; Mother Maria, unexpected help; Hathor, receptiveness; Lakshmi - the brilliant future.

This drawing proposes him again to continue his way and to fight for it.  When he feels a bit weak, or he is hesitating, then he should meditate to regain his inner freedom and force.  He will get a lot of support from the universe, and encouragement from his family and friends.  He should stay open for this help and new or different possibilities. The last card, Lakshmi, is telling him, that he has all qualifications to place very well in this contest.  It is very clear  between 1 and 3, but I cannot tell which one exactly.

He will have a bright future and he will have a lot of possibilities to benefit from this event. Reniel needs to go forward and stay positive - the way for a successful and promising future is wide open - just go for it and never look back.  I wish the best for him!

Psychic August

Mr. Reniel Villareal, representing the Philippines in the Mr. International 2015 competition, is and will still be a fan favorite up into the eve of the pageant itself.

He will be a finalist -- but another candidate, who is a little shade darker in complexion, and a little more well toned in body build than him, hailing from the east but not an Asian, will be proclaimed as Mr. International 2015.

Therefore, for those asking if there will be a back-to-back for Mr. International -- I'm afraid this scenario is not going to happen as yet.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Ann Colis @ Miss Globe 2015

by: Psychic August

Ann Colis is now in Canada competing for Ms Globe. I hope you can give your psychic perspective to improve her chances of bringing home the first crown for this year. More power psychic August! - Earl S., blog reader

My advice is for her to ensure she is thoroughly understood by everyone she communicates with, and that she understands everyone communicating with her.  This is very important specially with the current Mercury retrograde period.

I see an Asian bringing home the Miss Globe 2015 crown.

I wish Ann all the best!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Grace Poe and Chiz Escudero @ 2016 Philippine Presidential and Vice Presidential Elections

by: Psychic August

Senator Grace Poe, after launching her presidential campaign last Sept 16, will continue to be plagued with problems and controversies, due to the wrong timing of  her announcement being done within a two-day corridor of a Mercury retrograde period, plus at an hour when the moon is changing signs ("void of course" in astronomical and astrological circles ). Even if she has the luck brought by planet Jupiter on her side, which is crossing or "transiting' her natal sign of Virgo) which gifted her with becoming an early favorite for the presidency by topping the surveys, she will face attacks from those that would concretely and objectively expose the many things about her - residency, citizenship, etc., that point out her ineligibility for the presidency at this time.

The planet Jupiter transiting her sign of Virgo at this period of time, may not have only given her the luck of being an early favorite in the presidential race, but may have given her a dose of over confidence which can be seen by her opting to be an independent candidate.  She will come out as vague and too general when laying out her programs.

Last September 13's solar eclipse, which also occurred in the sign of Virgo may have also pushed Senator Grace Poe to go on with the announcement of her candidacy. This is a major turning point in her life, a new beginning, which all solar eclipses herald.

Even if she manages to get to file her candidacy for the presidency, she will lose to a male rival.

On the other hand, Sen. Francis 'Chiz' Escudero's announcement of his run for the vice presidential position, which occurred the next day following Sen. Grace Poe's announcement, was better timed in the sense that it was made when the moon was already securely placed in the astrological sign of Scorpio, and at an auspicious time in that morning when he made his announcement.  However, it still falls within the eve of the start of a Mercury retrograde, and the announcement was made during a weak period of Senator Escudero's life cycle (within 52 days before his October 10th birthday, a period known as the "7th cycle" or the Saturn period in esoteric astrology), which will cause uncertainty on his vice presidential aspiration.

I don't see him securing the Philippine Vice President position in 2016, either.