

Location: Germany

Astrid is a clairvoyant for 37 years and born under the sign Leo, Capricorn ascendant, Aries in moon.

Much of her own knowledge is not learnt from books but from her own experiences and teachers she had met along her path. Over the last 37 years, she has built up an extensive list of private clients around the world.

Experience in Divination

Over the last 37 years, Astrid has built up an extensive list of private clients. She can work without tools or with tools - your choice.

When working without tools, her personal guardian angel NITH-HAIA who is responsible for the spititual world, is guiding and supporting her.

She is experienced in the use of «Kippercards», "Gipsy-Cards" and "Mme Lenormand" cards, which show you the past, the present and the future if you continue the actual way of living. The "goddess-cards" and the "animal-power-cards"are helping you to find the right way and solution to reach your personal goal. And for LOVE AND RELATIONSHIP questions the wonderful ANGELCARDS. They help you as well to destroy the blockage and to realize who you are and what you need to find your fulfilness. Furthermore, she does numerology, the pendulum, reading coffee grounds and dream interpretation.

During a reading, she will be able to give you information relating to the past, present and future. You may ask questions if you wish and she will go as deeply into your reading as you need her to.

" At times the insight I will give you may not be what you want to hear but it could be what you need to hear. Your reading will always be given to you with honesty but I can only give you what I get."

"The reading is a tool that can help you but ultimately you have free will. I will give you insight to help you but take no responsibility for your choices." Astrid added.