by: Psychic Massada
Regarding Typhoon Ruby
Typhoon Hagupit (Ruby) lashes the Phillipines, but as I see it will not hit so strong, and many will see the Blessings. The Pope will not be inconvenienced from this storm, and no major devastation will occur. Thanks to the light of the Pope and his Prayer being directed onto the Philippines.
The Papal Visit
Energies are running very strong as light is being shined on the Philippines. I see a lot of darkness has been on this small country and getting the need for prayers and light. It is crucial now that the people come and pray with the Pope, as spirit says if not, there could be more devastation to come.
I am seeing a lot of good movement for this country financially right after the visit; darkness can be lifted. The people will be in different energy as Pope arrives, many illnesses will be miraculously healed, burdens will be lifted, this will be for the people, hope and movement.
Will the Philippines be prepared to show to the Pope the November 2013 Typhoon Haiyan devastated area and rehabilitation efforts? The government who will be quietly oppose to the visit, will be hiding some things from the Pope. Only certain parts of the devastation will be shown because a lot still has not been done and will not be done. This is a political show, just like any celebrity -- camera, light, roll 'em! Again, unless the people will be united in prayer only personal miracles will be seen. It is necessary that the people speak up when the Pope is there to intervene with the government and put pressure for more humanity within the country. It is wise the world reach out in prayer with these people.
I do feel there will be devastation within months after visit. The good thing will be the Pope's energy and light will be on the Philippine soil to prevent the worst of worst devastation when it comes.
Sad to say, I do see the government is putting a show on, and that is the extent of their feelings of him coming. So now it is up to all of us to meditate for movement with this prayer and meditation that will be the outcome of how dark of days the Filipinos will have.
The true opposition is the government, spirit insist the Pope is there to change this country and build it up so unless prayers are really reaching to each one's soul, change can be hard.

Spirit tells me when he arrives to light a white candle, and while lighting, pray for your personal intentions, wishes, and hopes. Those who do will have them granted, he is the light from above and with his energy your individual prayers will be answered. Do this the night he arrives. Spirit says he is for the people, opposition is the government, again only the people can now change this small country's fate while he is in the country.
He will be taken to all the important historical religious places putting energy there; please go out and join Pope Francis.
Reading Date: December 6, 2014
Photo: GMA News